Special thanks to #1Payday.Loans
Second Chat: Chatting With Candy
October 26,2000
MissCandyPruitt: Hello to you all!
Cccasperrr: Hello
DSoucie: Nice to have us.....thanks
TAS499: I'm flying back in time!!
JLBKO: Bridget do you remember me? You sent me the Candy cap when I lost my
hair last year. Now I have the cap and hair.
MissCandyPruitt: Karen, of course I remember you. It is so wonderful to
hear your typing. HUGS!
MissCandyPruitt: The reason that Susie has called you all together for a
"family vote" is that I have an announcement to make. This very evening, Patti Wilkins,
has put up my new web-site and I want to give you the address. www.bridgethanley.net. We couldn't get .com because some FOOL bought and is ransoming bridgethanley.com. In any case, I hope you'll take a peek at the new site. There is a lot of new items and some of the old (like ME), and we welcome you thoughts and your ideas. We will be updating as often as possible.
DSoucie: Cool
JLBKO: Great job Patti
Cccasperrr: That should be easy enough to remember
JLBKO: Can't wait to visit
Cccasperrr: When do we v-vote
TAS499: net...com....whatever...we'll find you
DSoucie: I just looked that site over and it looks good
MissCandyPruitt: You can v-v-v-vote whenever you wish.
Cccasperrr: LOL
DSoucie: So LOLDSoucie: Hi Patti
JLBKO: Hi Patti
Bridesgirl: Hi Don!
TAS499: Hello Patti, I'm Linda
Bridesgirl: Hi Karen!
Bridesgirl: Hey Susie and Bridget! :-)
Bridesgirl: Hi Linda. Nice to meet you.
MissCandyPruitt: HI PATTI.......I was just singing your praises, you
MissCandyPruitt: I also want you to know that at long last I have an email address to give to youand a promise that I'll be as diligent as possible about answering in a timely fashion.Please know that you can also post on the guest=book and send stories or pictures or whatever to cpwilkins@aol.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
Cccasperrr: Sounds wonderful
DSoucie: Yes indeed
E3Dodd: sounds great
JLBKO: It is wonderful to be here with you all. Hugs to you and to Patti a special friend.
DSoucie: I second that
MissCandyPruitt: I also want you to know how grateful I am to all of you who
gave so generously of time and talent and funds to help save our little log cabin with a
soul. IT'S SAVED aND, restoration process is almost complete (see photos on
the new site) and the ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place on Saturday, November l8th from l0:00am until 2:00 pm, wit with the actual ceremony (of sorts) taking place at Noon. Mary-Jo, Molly, and I will all be there and we want you to know that you are all welcome to come. I realize that it won't be possible for many of you, particularly so close to Thanksgiving, but you will be there in our hearts and in our thank-you's.
Cccasperrr: Yea!!!
JLBKO: Yes congratulations on the success of your cabin
DSoucie: Indeed
TAS499: I've only recently been following that story and I'm so happy for you
DSoucie: I am locked and loaded for that shindig in Edmonds
MissCandyPruitt: Yes, Don, I know. And I want the rest of you to know that
Don is putting together a get-together from 3:00 - 7:00 pm on the very day
Cccasperrr: I can't be there Bridget, but my best wishes are with you
DSoucie: The Get Together is just a small token of the fans esteem and
repsect for you Bridget.
MissCandyPruitt: thank you, Don, and I will phone for more particulars.
JLBKO: The HCTB group is most generous and loyal
DSoucie: I keep getting IMed to send Carol Ann the link.....do I have
MissCandyPruitt: Don, Susie, said to send her the link (she said you'd
know.....sounds like the anchor link to me)
Cccasperrr: Bridget, I found a picture of you and Richard Long from Nanny
and Prof
MissCandyPruitt: when I was in Edmonds several weeks ago for a BAby Shower
for my step-son TenEyck's wife Leslie, Bronwyn and Megan were with me and we took a
nostalgic trip to Edmonds. We saw the cabin right after if had been corn-husked (check
the new site), and saw Moe Wagner the contractor (who grew up right near our house and used to play in the woods near the Cabin), and Bronwyn said, "Oh, Mom, it brings back so many memories." She hadn't been there since she was a tiny. I meant to say young child, and remembered it from both where it nestled in our woods and
snuggled next to the Museum where it now stands.......yes, STANDS with a brand new
foundation. Here Come the Brides fans have acheived the
highest donor category along with You're famous in Edmonds, with the
Hanleys, and everyone I talk to. The
DSoucie: Sounds real nice....
cagbagpiper: I'm so happy for you, and so proud of everyone!
MissCandyPruitt: The log cabin store, thought up and run by Patti, has done
wonders. THANKS, GANG!
DSoucie: Our Pleasure...
cagbagpiper: Now it's time to meet there and celebrate together!!!
cagbagpiper: Who all is going? Everyone I hope!
DSoucie: I am
JLBKO: I am sorry that I could not have been a part of your effort but I am
so thrilled for you
MissCandyPruitt: Is there some deep dark secret I can finally give you the
answer to?
cagbagpiper: How were those corsets to wear? I think they're murder to sing
in, and i can't imagine traipsing around the woods in them!
MissCandyPruitt: ah, the corsets. When Susan and I would go to
lunch......well, actually, when we would return from lunch, Betsy Cox (our wonderful costume desligner) would have to put double-sided tape on the bodice V of our dresses because otherwise they would pop up and put someone's eye out. It was mortifying.
Cccasperrr: LOL
DSoucie: LOL
cagbagpiper: Ugh! No wonder women used to faint so much back then!!
DSoucie: Did many people think that you were romantically link with Bobby
E3Dodd: Bobby babe here, did he were Polo back then?
MissCandyPruitt: There were a number of people who thought that Bobby and I
were linked romantically. We didn't think so, though. Our friendship remains very
strong even now.
Cccasperrr: So glad to hear that
cagbagpiper: The good relationship all you stars had with each other really
shone through in the shows.
TAS499: People thought you were linked romantically because your acting was
so good!JLBKO: What did you wear onyour feet- looked like ballet slippers.
MissCandyPruitt: On our feet, we wore little black "mary-janes" that would
often ooze with the mud from the watered down wanna-be-Seattle streets.
TAS499: I was just a kid but I used to notice the muddy shoes!
DSoucie: I was watching the Pilot today and it was a muddy set...
Cccasperrr: And the mud on the dresses
JLBKO: How did you feel about the Molly / Christopher story line
cagbagpiper: I always loved the 3 Pruitts together...I believed they were a
real family from the git go
MissCandyPruitt: I loved it when the Molly and Christopher story-line
happened. And I got to name Patti Molly after my own younger sister Molly.
DSoucie: Molly is a fine 19th Century name......
cagbagpiper: there's a brand of Mozarella cheese called Polly-O and every
time I see it I think of how you used to call Patti Molly-O
MissCandyPruitt: It was so wonderful to see Patti and Eric at the last
Collector's Convention that we did last January. It felt like old, warm, and wonderful times. Except, they're a lot taller than I remembered.
Cccasperrr: The convention was such fun...you were all so gracious
cagbagpiper: It was wonderful to see you 3 together, all grown up and still
DSoucie: Do you plan on doing another convention Bridget??
Cccasperrr: Good question.....are you doing another convention?
MissCandyPruitt: We don't do all the conventions. I have a feeling that
eventually we'll dare to do it again
DSoucie: Color me there when you do Bridget
Cccasperrr: Me too
JLBKO: What was your favorite episode?
JLBKO: How old was Candy supposed to be?
TAS499: Are you going to be a guest at any universities?
JJLBKO: I am fixated on hair- were your curls mixed in or laid over your own
hair and sometimes were the curls not set
JLBKO: Sorry for this arcane but compelling question. How they did your curls- attached over your hair or threaded through? How were your curls attached?
MissCandyPruitt: My curls are still attached........some of them to my own
scalp, and some of them to a hair-piece (or two or three) that I still have in my
closet. I'll show them to you sometime. It was too tough on my own hair to have the curling ironused on it every day, but oddly enough, my own hair was longer than my hairpiece by the time the show was......it's still hard to say the word.......cancelled.
Cccasperrr: Gasp
DSoucie: Agreed
cagbagpiper: Even harder for us...
JLBKO: They looked like they were growing out of your scalp but I didnt know
if the curls were laid on top or threaded through
MissCandyPruitt: Yes, the curls on top saved my life once. I was driving
the wagon with a double team of horses who "spooked" when I approached the camera with the wagon, and they took off
sending me flying out of the wagon onto my head. Robert Brown's stand-in pulled me away from the wagon wheel just as it was about to flatten my brains, and I shall be forever grateful to David Cass and little miss hair-piece (known as a postiche)/
They called Swack at the Studio. He came racing out and said to me in the lowest voice I
have ever heard inmy life...."Don't you ever do that again. That's what stunt doubles are
hired for. " Oops
MissCandyPruitt: 1
Cccasperrr: oops
cagbagpiper: 'Cause you're number ONE in our hearts!
Cccasperrr: Ewww
DSoucie: Yikes and double Yikes
JLBKO: A close call
Mlvc 72 ss: so lucky you are!
Mlvc 72 ss: and we are!!
TAS499: They left that story out of Tiger Beat!
DSoucie: He had a point...
Cccasperrr: And did you listen??
JLBKO: Did you wear your hair like that socially or just on TV
MissCandyPruitt: I have no idea what that little 1 is doing three lines up?
JLBKO: I remember a lot of complicated dos in the '60's
cagbagpiper: I'm just glad all that hair was there to save you from that
broken neck that time!
MissCandyPruitt: I wore my own hair socially and put my other hair to bed.
DSoucie: LOL
cagbagpiper: did those hairpieces multiply in the dark, the way wire hangers
MissCandyPruitt: Yes, I listened for the rest of my very happy married life.
But I also talked 1
TAS499: Meanwhile, we were all trying to get that do, socially!
MissCandyPruitt: There's that pesky (Susie supplied that word) 1 again.
cagbagpiper: I think the "1" is a message from Swack...it keeps appearing
when you mention him.
DSoucie: Me too
TAS499: me, too
MissCandyPruitt: Somewhere, I have a copy of the "hair" article that was in
one of the magazines. If I can find it, maybe Patti and I can put in on the new site.
TAS499: Mine always just looked like a birdsnest when I tried to look like
JLBKO: I am sorry to be so fixated on hair but I tried to copy it as a
cagbagpiper: I liked the corkscrew curls on the side of your face! Did we
all wear those then?
Mlvc 72 ss: not me i woulda looked funny as i was a 14 year old boy!
cagbagpiper: Everyone, Edmonds first! Edmonds or bust!
Cccasperrr: Wish we could get the "Bolt Bros" there
Mlvc 72 ss: will you be going to edmonds next month?JLBKO: What was your favorite episode?
MissCandyPruitt: Perhaps my very favorite episode was the Pilot. It was the
beginning of a beautiful part of my life; personally and business-wise. It spoiled me terribly. I'm not sure that any of the other show or group of people so influenced my life. I
always have a good time when I work but BRIDES was beyond work. It was an extraordinary time. And you have no idea how it warms all of our hearts and makes us so proud that you felt that too and that you still remember. Thank you beyond thank you's.
TAS499: I liked the first few episodes the best, too.
cagbagpiper: I loved any episode with Robert Brown, and I loved the way
Jason and Candy had such a great
JLBKO: Did you think Candy and Jeremy would eventually marry?
cagbagpiper: rapport, even though they weren't linked romantically. You
could tell you two are good f
cagbagpiper: friends...
E3Dodd: I would love to see HCTB again, it has been at least 10yrs, since on
cable here
Mlvc 72 ss: had to admit loved the show! but loved the scenes with c & j
the best!
JLBKO: thank you
cagbagpiper: The "work" y'all did got me through some rough times in my
adult life. It was a real comfort to visit my Seattle "family", where I felt loved.
DSoucie: I have watched TV since the late 1950's and no show has ever effect
me that way or since
Cccasperrr: Same here Don
Mlvc 72 ss: well said don!
cagbagpiper: Amen.
MissCandyPruitt: The show had a wonderful message and of course the l800's
was a very romantic era.
JLBKO: This is the only fan organization I have ever participated in or
would consider.
Mlvc 72 ss: i still keep hearing the c&j theme all the time!
DSoucie: HCTB provided a unique world and value viewpoint for me....basic
goodness and decency to begin with
TAS499: I used to play it on the piano all the time.
cagbagpiper: Real family values...a community pulling together...
MissCandyPruitt: Hugo Montenegro wrote the music for BRIDES. I still thrill
to it. And he also wrote a Candy's Theme. I wish I had it. It was not used in the
final cut of the show. But the Candy and Jeremy theme is/was wonderful.
DSoucie: Agreed
cagbagpiper: So was Miss Essie's song.
Mlvc 72 ss: yes! indeedy!
Cccasperrr: It was called Wish I Knew....J & C song
cagbagpiper: I thought Wish I Knew was Essie's song?
MissCandyPruitt: And so was Miss Essie. I still see Mitzi a lot. We all
see each other. How lucky.
cagbagpiper: She was and is terrific, just like you. And Susan! Say hi to
her for us!
DSoucie: Mitzi is quite a grand person and real nice to talk to
MissCandyPruitt: You all know much more about BRIDES than I do. You should
teach a class.....i'll be in the front row.
cagbagpiper: Brides 101....the class would be SRO!!!
DSoucie: Indeed
Cccasperrr: What fun that would be
DSoucie: We could have it online.....
cagbagpiper: What's amazing is...it was so special and important to us, that
we would've remembered it practically perfectly even without the God send of VCR's!
E3Dodd: Bridget , have you ever read the book where HCTB meets Star TrekJLBKO: Were there ever any plots which any of the actors wanted to pursue
but were turned down??
MissCandyPruitt: Regarding the plots.......the only thing that I recall
disappoiinting us at all in that respect was the second year, when there were more horses and guns instead of walking and mud. It became a bit more 0f a wanna-be western when that really wasn't the flavor of the show.
TAS499: I remember being very frustrated about that, too.
Cccasperrr: I did like more of the first season....
DSoucie: You have that right......too much Western-ish influence..for the
2nd season
Mlvc 72 ss: true, but we still watched anyway!!
cagbagpiper: But Molly and Christopher were a good trade off for all that...
I'm still in the mood for romance!
MissCandyPruitt: One particular thing I recall from the pilot was a long
silent shot of all of us "girls" waiting to get on board the boat.......SHIP! It was
totally silent except for the beautiful music, and we lined up with anticipation and fear and wonder (and I had my spinning wheel clutched to me)......it was an extraordinary shot and it showed just how brave the women were to make this extraordinary journey. It never made the final cut, but I think that somewhere in the bowels of my garage is a l6mm print of the pilot with that shot. It went through our housefire, so I have no idea if the film has disintegrated or not. I'm almost afraid to find it.
cagbagpiper: and we all had our hearts in our throats...along with a big
DSoucie: I saw that scene just today for the 1000th time...
Cccasperrr: Sigh
DSoucie: You are in a few scenes with the spiinning wheel .....Cccasperrr: What are you working on now? Another play?
MissCandyPruitt: I did the play, ELINOR ADJUSTING last spring, and Eugene
Pack, the author, wrote and produced a pilot for VH1 (this time the 1 is okay). I
played the Mom of one of the rock group and is it goes, I am established and perhaps (if the contract were right) would reoccur. Meanwhile, there have been some other auditions which I can't talk about right now because I might jinx them. Stay tuned.
cagbagpiper: Can we see this pilot on VH1? Please keep us informed of all your screen appearances so we can tune in!
MissCandyPruitt: The pilot won't be aired until probably sometime next year.
Cccasperrr: It would be great to see you on tv again
DSoucie: Yes please definitely post all upcoming appearance please
cagbagpiper: They should have a scene where you tell your rock star kid he
has a chance to be as big as Bobby Sherman was !
MissCandyPruitt: What more can I bore you with?
MissCandyPruitt: 1
MissCandyPruitt: That DAMN 1.
Cccasperrr: LOL
cagbagpiper: You are so far from boring! What a thrill this is for all of
cagbagpiper: Gasp! Candy swore!
E3Dodd: uh oh
Mlvc 72 ss: well i never!!
Cccasperrr: Well, she did say "To Hell with them" in the pilot
E3Dodd: maybe that is the censored side LOL
MissCandyPruitt: Susie just reminded me that I said "To Hell with them" in
the pilot.........GMTA
DSoucie: Clark Gable said in 1939.....
cagbagpiper: What's GMTA?
Mlvc 72 ss: seemed like you had a hard time with that word!!! lol
cagbagpiper: They censored that word on FAM.
DSoucie: Great Minds Think A Like
cagbagpiper: Indeeeeeeeeeeed.
cagbagpiper: No, and that makes ME wanna swear!
Mlvc 72 ss: only in my house!E3Dodd: Bridget, did you have a lot of scenes with Mark Lenard
DSoucie: Cap Clancy sure can dance
DSoucie: In the Pilot.....there is that big dance scene at the end...was
there much rehersal for it??
MissCandyPruitt: The dance sequence at the very end was practically the
first thing we shot. It was very exciting and yes, we reheared it quite a bit, because the
director (my-husband-to-be) did most of it in one very long track shot. It was fun with
the bon-fire and the music, and the frolic.
DSoucie: I can imagine....
Cccasperrr: Is Bobby a good dancer....or did he step on your toes
E3Dodd: another Bobby babe at a recent concert showed me a pic of you and Bobby dancing absolutely great shot of you 2, Bobby's smile was busting from ear to ear
MissCandyPruitt: I'm sure Bobby is a very good dancer, but Jeremy wasn't.
MissCandyPruitt: where were we dancing? was it bobby and bridget or candy
and jeremy?
Cccasperrr: The pic is from "One Good Lie"
E3Dodd: C & J
Cccasperrr: At Lotties
MissCandyPruitt: I guess he got better after the pilot.
E3Dodd: looks lke would have been a shot form balcony
MissCandyPruitt: I wish I had your memory (s)
MissCandyPruitt: 1
cagbagpiper: We want your memories! Sigh....
MissCandyPruitt: It's back.......................................that 1
Cccasperrr: We love your 1
cagbagpiper: YOU'RE number 1
MissCandyPruitt: Yes, those memories are in tact, and gratefully so.
MissCandyPruitt: No, YOU're number 1.
cagbagpiper: GRacias
DSoucie: What do you think the most conroversial or daring scene you ever
did...like the kidnapping scene in Candy and the Kid...
cagbagpiper: How about that red dress? That was pretty daring! Did y'all
get to keep the clothes?
MissCandyPruitt: I loved Candy and the Kid too. No, we didn't keep any ot
the clothes because we were awaiting pick-up for the third season when we were
cancelled. So we never got to see MissCandyPruitt: those beautiful costumes again. I think I miss my little green hat and suit the most.
Cccasperrr: I love that outfit... My favorite Candy pic is with that on
cagbagpiper: I liked the pink one, with the shawl.
MissCandyPruitt: I also loved the lace gloves and little bitty hand-bags.
I didn't love gaining weight and having to have three people help zip up my dresses.
Cccasperrr: Those handbags were weapons as I recall
cagbagpiper: Ha!
MissCandyPruitt: Yes, you're right, the hand-bags came in very handy with
those MEN!
Cccasperrr: LOL
DSoucie: You beat that poor surveyor....
MissCandyPruitt: and he deserved each and every beat.
Cccasperrr: She had Help...Biddie was there
cagbagpiper: Was that your daughter's fault, your having to be zipped in by
MissCandyPruitt: No, it was all those lunches that I told you about earlier.
Cccasperrr: Oh yes, the lunches that popped your V
cagbagpiper: If you'd really lived then, you wouldn't have had zippers!
Cccasperrr: That's true
MissCandyPruitt: If I couldn't have had zippers, my life would have been
over! I wouldn't have been marriageable.
cagbagpiper: Broken ribs from teh corset, maybe, but no zippers...no
cagbagpiper: Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
Cccasperrr: Oh My
Cccasperrr: heehee
cagbagpiper: Bridget, I can't wait to see you in Edmonds...what a special
Mlvc 72 ss: what is marrigeable|?
cagbagpiper: You know....fresh. Unspoilt.
Mlvc 72 ss: mr. bolt?
MissCandyPruitt:Look it up
DSoucie: Another thing liked about the show was the way it involved really
contemporary isssues like racism and women's rights
Mlvc 72 ss: was kidding!!
Cccasperrr: The right to v-vote
DSoucie: Democracy Inaction as a example
cagbagpiper: Female doctors...
MissCandyPruitt: It did tackle some very interesting issues. Voting, for
one. Don't forget to do so on Nov, 1..........that's a seven, not a 1.
cagbagpiper: YES!
MissCandyPruitt: 7..........that's a seven, not a 1.
Cccasperrr: lOL
DSoucie: LOL
cagbagpiper: votevotevotevotevotevotevotevotevote....please!
Mlvc 72 ss: i vote for miss essie!!
cagbagpiper: YES!
MissCandyPruitt: Me too.
cagbagpiper: Big Swede can be SEcretary of Defense. Or the Interior?
E3Dodd: and Bobby your Body guard, after all he is trained
cagbagpiper: Biddie can serve as First Lady, since Miss Essie as President
wouldn't have a wife!
cagbagpiper: Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh..................
E3Dodd: hehe
MissCandyPruitt: Ladies and gentlemen, unhappily I must end this chat for
now. My only regret is that we're not in the same room "dishing" (as Joan Blondell would
Mlvc 72 ss: see you in edmonds??? i hope
DSoucie: It been a great experience Bridget......thank-you so much
cagbagpiper: Yes, please, ALL of us!
Cccasperrr: Bridget, thank you for joining us....it was fun
MissCandyPruitt: Here comes Edmonds
MissCandyPruitt: 1
Mlvc 72 ss: yes thanks so much bridget!!
E3Dodd: it has been fun
cagbagpiper: 1!!
MissCandyPruitt: I've done it again
MissCandyPruitt: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
cagbagpiper: 1!!!!!!
Cccasperrr: 222222`
Mlvc 72 ss: 33333
MissCandyPruitt: Goodnight, dear-hearts
DSoucie: Bye
Mlvc 72 ss: bye
cagbagpiper: Thanks for being so sweet to us! 1 for ever....
Cccasperrr: Goodnight Candy
DSoucie: Night all.......
cagbagpiper: Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite, see you in the morning light...in Edmonds!!
MissCandyPruitt: I adore each and every one of you. Thank you for your care
of our memories.
MissCandyPruitt: LOVE
DSoucie: :-)
Cccasperrr: :-)
MissCandyPruitt: smiles and sunshine
Mlvc 72 ss: :-)
cagbagpiper: >..<
cagbagpiper: Thanks, Susie!
Cccasperrr: (((((hugs))))
Mlvc 72 ss: yes thanks to susie!
Cccasperrr: Yes, thanks susie1
E3Dodd: yes thanks Susie
cagbagpiper: Thanks for brining me in, don!
Cccasperrr: now I have a 1`
MissCandyPruitt: susie told me they were happy faces and 1 sad one........I
thought you were swearing at me.
Cccasperrr: Oh my , No
cagbagpiper: No, mine was supposed to be a kittie's face, but I messed it up!
cagbagpiper: 1!
MissCandyPruitt: HUGS to you and to wonderful Susie too. BYE
cagbagpiper: ^..^
cagbagpiper: There ya go...
MissCandyPruitt: I love the kitty's face. It's number 1 with me.
Sweet dreams
cagbagpiper: Nite, all.
DSoucie: Night Again.......
Cccasperrr: Sigh...what a wonderful night
cagbagpiper: Amen.
MissCandyPruitt: 11111