Have you ever heard your parents and grandparents talking about the old days, and Grandma's home cooking? Have you ever wondered about the kinds of foods that were prepared by pioneers who were settling the western part of the country? Well, you don't have to wonder any longer. The Save Our Cabin Campaign has come up with the answers to all of those questions in it's new release "A Taste of the Pacific Northwest." This book features a collection of hundreds traditional recipes from the kitchens of the 1800's, as well as some modern recipes. Now you and your family can sit down to the same meals that your ancestors may have enjoyed well over 100 years ago. The book includes the story and photos of the cabin. The proceeds from the sale of this cookbook will benefit the continued maintenance of the cabin. Also included are some favorite recipes and photos, old and new, from the cast of the television series "Here Come the Brides," about the settling of the Pacific Northwest in the 1800's. The cookbook is 300 pages and also includes 65 photos, most are rare never before seen  photos of the Cabin, Bridget Hanley's family, and the cast members of Here Come The Brides.  

For your opportunity to take a stroll back through time from the vantage point of your kitchen order your copy today by clicking on the Cabin Cookbook order form link below.

Please do not send any donations to Edmonds, Washington. The Cabin has been saved and that account has been closed. All of the proceeds from the sales of the Cabin Cookbook are being used for the continued maintenance of the Cabin and the account is being handled by Bridget. 

Cabin Cookbook Order Form

Print form, fill out, and send to the address provided. 
Your Cookbook will be mailed from Virginia Beach, VA.

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